Hometown Project

Help move the needle of public opinion
about climate change in your hometown!

Be part of Vote-Climate’s Hometown Project!

Climate change is real and it’s serious! But what % in your hometown agree with that? If recognition of the seriousness of the climate change problem in your hometown is low, together you and the Hometown Project can make a difference!

Being part of the Hometown Project is easy, powerful, and requires only a few minutes once a month!

Your part:
Just once a month until the November 2018 election, Vote-Climate will provide you with a news item for your local paper, or a model for a letter-to-the editor, or a video to post on social media about climate change or renewable energy that will help your friends and family understand and take action on climate.

The Hometown Project is gearing up now. Check back here or check Facebook “Hometown Opinion Project” for more info soon!

Or sign up here to receive updates.

Our future depends on it.