Lawn Signs, T-shirts Etc

Show the Vote Climate message wherever you can!

With any of the items shown below, you can encourage your friends and neighbors to prioritize action on climate as they decide whom to vote for.

Available items are shown below.   If you want to get some item(s), please fill out and submit the form at the bottom of this page and we’ll contact you about how to get the item(s) to you.

While is a 501(c) tax-deductible non-profit organization, but if you choose item(s) below with value matching your donation, you’ll not be making a net donation to Vote-Climate and the amount is not tax deductible.   Vote-Climate welcomes tax deductible donations above or unrelated to items shown below.  

Next to each item, we show a suggested donation.  Suggested donation amounts reflect Vote-Climate’s costs for printing and shipping or delivery for each item.  Vote-Climate uses the suggested donations to get more of these climate message items printed and shown on lawns, car bumpers, and “out and about” attire around the state.   




Suggested Donation

Bumper sticker

3" x 11.5"

Can be mailed



S, M, L or XL

Can be mailed;

100% cotton, made in USA, inkjet printed

$20.00 (add $5 for mailing or metro  delivery)

Small lawn sign

18" x 24"

with or without post;
only for pickup or delivery in metro area


Large lawn sign

2' x 4'

only for pickup or delivery in metro area

$32.00 with 2 rebar sticks; $24.00 without rebar


2 1/8" diameter; 
can be mailed


mailing cost depends on #

Let us know what items you’d like to have by filling in this form…

Thanks for helping to spread the Vote-Climate message!
Please encourage friends to do the same!

Our future depends on it.